Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Since my last post I have been looking for work to boost my finances after my comission. Sadly my commission for Living Room was not successful. However I will use the stock to sell at other shows and possibly on Etsy. I have continued designing and have been looking for competions to enter to get my work know. I am now looking forward to having enough money to making new pieces that are more practical and affordable.

Looking forward to christmas now.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

My Commission

After many weeks of hard work my commission is complete and now in the shop. I really enjoyed seeing them displayed in the shop and hope they sell well. It will make all my hard work and stress worthwhile.

If you'd like to see my work it is displayed at Milsolm Place Gallery in Bath just off Broad St. The show will be up from 1st November til 13th.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Starting work and Birthday week!

This week has been quite productive. I have finally began to make my pieces for my commission. It feels good getting my hands covered in clay again. Although it is strange being in my university now I have graduated. A lot of things have changed in the department some for good and some for bad. I just wish the remaining ceramic students the best of luck as it can't be easy with all the changes. For my commission so far I have started to cast my dishes and remade my screens for the specific artwork I need.

As well as making my work this week its been my birthday. Its been fun, I've eventually got to see all my family and friends throughout the week having meals and playing games. I really appreciate all the things they do for me and feel very lucky to have friends and family like them.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


My blog just hit 200 views. It been a slow build up but I eventually got there. Thank you to everyone that as taking an interst in my work.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Looking forward to making work

Today I got my order for the upcoming show that I will be doing soon with 15 other designers and artists. This show has been arranged by Art founder 'Arthouse Originals' who loved my work from my Private degree show. I am really looking forward to making work for a client and making money as a real artist. At the show I will be selling my Nature's Design collection. This includes the three dishes shown above and plates in two sizes. The entire collection is decorated by my patterned designs, that are influenced by the natural world.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Looking for a studio and wanting to make work!

So far this month I've been trying to find a studio to work in, so I could make my Nature's Design work. It would be really helpful if I could work at my university as a Graduate. However the way things are proceeding I think I will have to find alternative studio.
When I eventually get a studio I'm really looking forward to making work for a client and exhibiting my work with other designers.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Hatfield, Art in Clay 2011

My stand

After coming back from Hatfield’s Art in Clay, I felt optimistic about my work and my choice to have a career in the art world.

There were ten of us at my stall, all graduates from the Bath Spa BA Hons Ceramics course. However our involvement was arranged by Jo and I don’t think the university even knew we were there. For our display we chose to use the same table tops as we did at New Designers with our names printed on. Many people thought that this was a nice personal touch.
On my stall I displayed a variety of my work including my Unravelled project consisting of my deformed cups inspired by Chinese foot binding. As well as my Natures Design Project displaying my hand decorated cylinders with my own personal designs inspired by the organic world around me. I also displayed my collection of cages and birds that were inspired by the brothers Grimm tale of Hansel and Gretel.

Throughout the weekend I sold quite a few things and was really pleased from the sales. It made me feel like I could actually make a career out what I love to do. As well as the sales I had lots of interest and comments about my work which I found helpful for future work. 

All in all I believe that as well as a success, it was a great experience. It was my first independent sale and helped me to not only assess the market further, but to believe in myself as an artist.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Gifted Competition

Finally submitted my entry for the Gifted competition by Tigerprint. The chance to have my designs in M & S really made me excited and has me think about creating more things for high end stores. For the competition I chose to design christmas cards using my own unique designs. I looked at the organic things associated with christmas, adding my personal touch including pattern.

I really hope to do well and they like my designs! Fingers crossed! : )

Monday, 25 July 2011

Were going on a Gorilla hunt. . . .

Las Iguanas
Yesterday I went gorilla hunting in Bristol for The Wow Gorilla's, as I set of with my family and dog. I thought that it would be a lot sunnier and warmer as it was a lovely sunny morning and I felt a bit silly wearing a dress and nearly shivering by the end of the day.

Although i was cold the gorillas were great we found 21 out of 60 but we were limited to find the others as we were only walking with a very excited beagle and didn't have a map.

Gorilla 24#
My favourites was  'Las Iguanas' (About the design: Based on the natural flow of the Gorillas body the design is a cocktail of baroque swirls and leylines set on a Ibizan sunset fade. Found at the Grove) and Gorilla 24#. However they were all well designed and thought about and decorated beautifully. Its a shame that some people have already started to vandalise them. Hopefully I'll have some time to see the rest.

I would love to do this kind of work, where i decorate a animal sculpture for a good cause. So i'll be looking out for future opportunities.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Back From New Designers

After exhibiting for 4 days in London I am so pleased of my work and how everyone else in my course did.

The show looked very professional and it only took 2 hours for us to set. The other exhibitors around us was very impressed some took 2 days to set up. One of old college friends was right next to us which was nice surprise. As a group I think we overcome a lot of things and esspecially proud how our press packs ended up as they were just blank cds (thanks dan).

I had quite a few admires and we're surprised by my difference of work between my two projects. I eventually plucked up the courage to talk to people, and really enjoyed the imput and opinions of the public. I have a few emails to send and things to update, hopefully things will develop to more exciting news. Maybe even designing for Wilkinsons!

Unravelled Project

Nature's Design project

Our space at New Designerd
I'm now really looking forward to Hatfield where I will be exhibiting and selling my work .

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Pre show nerves. . . its nearly the end

Today I'm going shopping for my degree show outfit but already feeling the butterflies and nerves about tomorrow. I'm hoping everything will go great and I will enjoy a brilliant night with all my amazing friends and family.
I hope that anyone that decideds to see the show enjoys my work x

Sunday, 1 May 2011

3 Weeks remaining!

3 weeks and counting left til i got clear my studio at uni and cease making. Just thinking about it freaks me but i will try my best. I think this week i will concentrate on making as many cylinders i can, and also make some beautiful cups using white and cobalt slip.I really got to get my sketch book work dont though but feel so uninspired, i need help there and someone to keep me organised so i dont forget anything.

For my folder work i recently been taking more photographs of things that are effected by nature in some way.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

My Fairy Images

These images were inspired by my dissertation, where I looked at the different ways that fairies were displayed. I particularly loved the work by Tessa Farmer, Michelle Bradshaw, Miwa Yanagi and Marina Bychkova. Here are two of their websites if you'd like to look at them. Please Comment, I would love feedback. x

Encounter with a fairy

Monkey cage


Fairy tree

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Looking at exsisting plate design from habitat, I can see my designs fitting well in habitat if im sucessful enough. I would love to see my designs in all the high end shops.