I am an art graduate from Bath Spa University. Inspired to follow my dream of becoming an artist. My work is mainly inspired by the natural world and fairy tales. I have a range of pieces from my ceramic designs to my illustrative pieces. Here on my blog I reflect on my thoughts and experiences.
Friday, 20 December 2013
Season Greetings
With the Christmas spirit in full flow with Christmas songs on every radio and in every shop I visit. I can't help but feel in the Christmas spirit.
So I thought I would do some quick designs of Christmas cards I may develop for a future show. I particularly like the card I have shown as it interprets my style in a different way. However I am unsure about the text, but thought I would try this as an example.
I would love some feed back if anyone would like to leave a comment.
I will continue to do designs now and may have a nice collection of new cards for the New year.
For now I will wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
My last few months
The last few months of my life have been so crazy. Work has given new me targets to achieve which I'm finding difficult, but I will rise to challenge. I do find I'm quite exhausted from work. It has been physically and mentally tiring trying to think of new ways to recruit people. Me and k also went our separate ways, but things couldn't be better.
I had a great birthday with some new friends and my new man. My friends wedding that I was preparing for was an amazing day and couldn't be happier for her. Also many close friends are having babies or have had a baby.
I'm looking forward to the New Year now and hope to focus on my artwork more often.
Monday, 8 July 2013
The Gromit's begin
It's been a week now since the Bristol Gromits have landed in my home town. And I have been so excited to see them but have had no time to find them.
I have seen a few on my trips around Bristol and have particularly liked the Egyptian gromit in the Bristol museum. It fits in well to the Egyptian exhibition they have in the gallery at the moment.
I still think about my gromit and where he would have been displayed. Possibly somewhere colourful area with a jungle theme around it. He would have fit well with his Mayan design, and hopefully made people excited by it, as well as making them think.
This weekend I spent alot of time with K, going to a birthday party and walks around a lake. This was great, as there was so many things to see that inspired me. The animals, the high wild grass and the seed pods for all the amazing flowers. It just made me want to draw right there and then. I think the beautiful sunshine and great company helped alot as well. K has always been a great help inspiring me, and I thank him for it.
I will now look out for even more competitions and commissions for my art, as it be waste to not use this burst of inspiration.
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Preparing for a friends wedding
Over the past year I have been doing little bits towards preparing for a friends wedding. I been helping her by making the name placement souvenirs and now looking at the hen night. My friend is an amazing person and very family orientated, which had made me think of many different ways to celebrate, than the traditional way.
I've been looking forward to being a bridesmaid and the day it's self, it all sounds amazing. The colour theme is both the bride and grooms favourite colours with a little compromise, with the decoration based on birds.
My dress is so beautiful. It's inspired by a 50's style dress and a great blue that luckly goes well with my skin tone. The bride's mum has made all the dresses for the wedding which has made me think about doing some dress making myself. But I might need to get the nick of it again as I haven't used a sewing for about 7 years.
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Designing for friends
Its only since my friends asked me to do some tattoo designs that I have had the itch to draw again.
I now find myself doodling little patterns on post its at work, and even carry my sketchbook and pens everywhere.
It has felt good getting back to my designs and have now started different styles to my original pieces.
My plan now is to build a portfolio of my designs and hopefully collect enough funds to start my ceramics again.
I do admit I miss the feeling of clay, and making glaze to spray onto my vessels. The anticipation of waiting for the results of each stage was a great feeling especially when they turned out better than I expected.