Its drawing nearer and nearer to Christmas every day. Luckily I am ready with only a few gifts to wrap.
With the Christmas spirit in full flow with Christmas songs on every radio and in every shop I visit. I can't help but feel in the Christmas spirit.
So I thought I would do some quick designs of Christmas cards I may develop for a future show. I particularly like the card I have shown as it interprets my style in a different way. However I am unsure about the text, but thought I would try this as an example.
I would love some feed back if anyone would like to leave a comment.
I will continue to do designs now and may have a nice collection of new cards for the New year.
For now I will wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I love the snowflakes design! The style really lends itself to it, being unique. I like the writing, though perhaps try something more modern or simple so as not to detract from the design? X